September 13th - 15th | Cosenza, Italy

Welcome To ICT-DM 2023

The 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM) will be held in Cosenza, Italy, in September, 2023. The conference is hosted by the University of Calabria, Cosenza, in cooperation with committees and supporting organizations.

ICT-DM'2023 aims to bring together academics and practitioners who are involved in emergency services, ad hoc planning, disaster recovery, etc., to learn about the latest research developments, share experiences and information about this area and develop recommendations.

We invite you to submit your original technical papers, demos to this event. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the ICT-DM'2023 Conference Proceedings.

We invite you to join the Conference. See you in Cosenza.


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yhadjadj at irisa dot fr